The Line sparkline view.
Initializes a new instance of the LineSparklineView class with default settings.
Gets the actual color of a sparkline marker.
A value that is the actual marker color.
Copies all the settings from the LineSparklineView object passed as the parameter.
A LineSparklineView object (which is the descendant) whose settings are assigned to the current object. If null (Nothing in Visual Basic), then a will be thrown.
Gets or sets whether anti-aliasing (smoothing) is applied to the line view.
True to apply anti-aliasing to the line view; False to disable anti-aliasing.
Gets or sets the size of an end point's marker.
An integer value specifying the marker size, in pixels.
Gets or sets a value specifying whether or not to highlight all sparkline points that have negative values (less than 0).
true, to highlight points with negative values; otherwise, false.
Specifies the width of a line in a LineSparklineView.
An integer value specifying the line width (in pixels).
Gets or sets the color to draw line markers.
A that defines the color to draw line markers.
Gets or sets the size of markers for data points in a line sparkline.
An integer value specifying the marker size, in pixels.
Gets or sets the marker size of a data point that has the maximum value among all data points.
An integer value specifying the marker size, in pixels.
Gets or sets the marker size of a data point that has the minimum value among all data points.
An integer value specifying the marker size, in pixels.
Gets or sets the marker size of all data points that have negative values (less than 0).
An integer value specifying the marker size, in pixels.
Sets size for all markers of a sparkline.
An integer value specifying the new size for sparkline markers (in pixels).
Gets or sets a value specifying the visibility of point markers on a sparkline.
true to show markers for each data point; false to hide them.
Gets or sets the size of a start point's marker.
An integer value specifying the marker size, in pixels.
Gets the type of the sparkline view.
Always .
Represents a range to be used in DevExpress Sparkline controls.
Initializes a new instance of the SparklineRange class with the specified minimum and maximum limits.
A value, specifying the minimum limit. This value is assigned to the property.
A value, specifying the maximum limit. This value is assigned to the property.
Initializes a new instance of the SparklineRange class with default settings.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not range limits should be calculated automatically.
true to calculate range limits automatically; false to use the and property values.
Gets or sets a value specifying the first limit of the range.
A value that specifies the first limit.
Gets or sets a value specifying the second limit of the range.
A value that specifies the second limit.
This event is hidden, because it is not appropriate for the SparklineRange class.
The WinLoss sparkline view.
Initializes a new instance of the WinLossSparklineView class with default settings.
Gets the type of the sparkline view.
Always .
The base for Bar and WinLoss sparkline views.
Copies all the settings from the BarSparklineViewBase object passed as the parameter.
A BarSparklineViewBase object (which is the descendant) whose settings are assigned to the current object. If null (Nothing in Visual Basic), then a will be thrown.
Specifies the distance between two bars of a bar sparkline.
An integer value (in pixels).
The Bar sparkline view.
Initializes a new instance of the BarSparklineView class with default settings.
Copies all the settings from the BarSparklineView object passed as the parameter.
A BarSparklineView object (which is the descendant) whose settings are assigned to the current object. If null (Nothing in Visual Basic), then a will be thrown.
Gets or sets a value specifying whether or not to highlight all sparkline points that have negative values (less than 0).
true, to highlight points with negative values; otherwise, false.
Gets the type of the sparkline view.
Always .
The Area sparkline view.
Initializes a new instance of the AreaSparklineView class with default settings.
Specifies the opacity (0-255) of the area sparkline.
A value from 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque).
Copies all the settings from the AreaSparklineView object passed as the parameter.
A AreaSparklineView object (which is the descendant) whose settings are assigned to the current object. If null (Nothing in Visual Basic), then a will be thrown.
Gets the type of the sparkline view.
Always .
Lists the values used to specify the available view types of a sparkline.
Sparkline data points are represented as area.
Sparkline data points are represented as bars.
Sparkline data points are represented as a line.
Sparkline data points are represented as win and loss squares.
The base class for sparkline views.
Gets the actual color of a sparkline.
A value that is the actual sparkline color.
Gets the actual color of a sparkline end point.
A value that is the actual point color.
Gets the actual color of a sparkline maximum point.
A value that is the actual point color.
Gets the actual color of a sparkline minimum point.
A value that is the actual point color.
Gets the actual color of sparkline negative points.
A value that is the actual point color.
Gets the actual color of a sparkline start point.
A value that is the actual point color.
Copies all the settings from the SparklineViewBase object passed as the parameter.
A SparklineViewBase object (which is the descendant) whose settings are assigned to the current object. If null (Nothing in Visual Basic), then a will be thrown.
Gets or sets the color to draw a sparkline.
A that defines the color to draw a sparkline.
Creates a sparkline view of the specified type.
A enumeration value specifying the type of view to create.
A class descendant.
Gets or sets the color to draw the end point of a sparkline.
A that defines the color to draw the end point.
Gets or sets a value specifying whether or not to highlight the end point of a sparkline.
true, to highlight the end point; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets a value specifying whether or not to highlight a sparkline point that has the highest value among all points.
true, to highlight a point with the maximum value; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets a value specifying whether or not to highlight a sparkline point that has the lowest value among all points.
true, to highlight a point with the minimum value; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets a value specifying whether or not to highlight the start point of a sparkline.
true, to highlight the start point; otherwise, false.
Gets or sets the color to draw a sparkline point that has the highest value among all data points.
A that defines the color to draw a data point with the maximum value.
Gets or sets the color to draw a sparkline point that has the lowest value among all data points.
A that defines the color to draw a data point with the minimum value.
Gets or sets the color to draw sparkline points that have negative values (less than 0).
A that defines the color to draw data points with negative values.
Occurs when any property of the SparklineViewBase object has changed its value.
Gets or sets the color to draw the start point of a sparkline.
A that defines the color to draw the start point.
Returns a human-readable string that represents the SparklineViewBase object.
A value that represents the SparklineViewBase object.
Gets the type of the sparkline view.
A enumeration value specifying the view type.